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Players solve impossible puzzles by thinking outside the box and learning to expect the unexpected.

About Superliminal

Superliminal is a really cool first-person puzzle game that makes you feel like you're doing magic when you play it in a very original way. It's a game that challenges our usual understanding of space and objects, and it's really addictive, both in the brain and in the mind.

The plot of the game is set in a place called ‘Sleep Disorder Treatment Centre’, where you play as a patient. The centre helps people with insomnia by using strange methods such as dreams and the subconscious mind. Your journey starts with a super strange dream, which becomes more and more confusing and complicated. The whole game is like an adventure through a dream world full of creativity and mystery, and it's really fun.

Superliminal's core gameplay mechanic is its innovative perspective and space distortion system. The game allows the player to affect the size and position of objects by changing their perspective. This mechanic reveals a variety of interesting ways to solve puzzles at different stages of the game. For example, when the player places an object at a specific angle, the size of that object will change due to the change in perspective, which can be used to solve puzzles or trigger various mechanisms in the game.

The game's puzzle design is unique in that it combines traditional spatial puzzles with visual illusions. Players need to use the size and perspective of different objects to solve complex puzzles. For example, the player may need to zoom in on a small object large enough to block a certain door, or adjust an object's perspective to a specific angle to be able to pass through a narrow gap. Each of these puzzles requires the player to use their imagination and make use of the physical properties of the game to solve them creatively.

The visual style of the game is full of modern art, with the designers creating a fantastic environment through bold colours and shapes. Each level is a well-designed visual and spatial challenge, and players will find a variety of visual effects and spatial illusions as they explore, which are designed to not only make the puzzles more interesting, but also enhance the sense of immersion.

Superliminal's story narrative unfolds gradually through environments and puzzles. As the player solves the puzzles, the story and characters behind the game are gradually revealed. The story progresses in a very unique way, as the player learns the secrets of the game world through different dream scenes and environmental details. Each level is not only a place to solve puzzles, but also a fragment of the story, gradually piecing together the narrative structure of the entire game.

Superliminal's best feature is its innovative puzzle mechanics. Through perspective and spatial distortion, players can experience unprecedented puzzle-solving fun. This mechanism not only breaks the traditional puzzle game design, but also brings more creativity and challenge to players. The solution to each puzzle may require the player to think about the problem from a completely new perspective, and this design makes every moment of the game full of surprises and challenges.

The visual design of the game is another highlight. The unique art style and beautifully designed environments make each level visually stunning. The game's colours, shapes and light effects complement each other to create an intriguing dream world. Both the distortion of space and the details of the environment demonstrate the designer's unique understanding and use of visual art.

Superliminal is not only a puzzle game, but also explores a number of philosophical and psychological themes through its unique setting and story. Many of the game's puzzles and environment designs involve a deep exploration of reality, perception, and psychology. This design not only enriches the gameplay, but also allows players to think about more philosophical issues while solving puzzles.





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