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Tanghulu DIY Sim
Create the perfect tanghulu. Master the art of sweet treats. Unleash your inner chef.

About Tanghulu DIY Sim

Friends, let's embark on this carnival on the tip of the tongue and start a wonderful journey of "Tanghulu DIY Simulation"! This game is like equipping you with a private kitchen, allowing you to instantly become a super master of Tanghulu, and give full play to your creativity and enthusiasm.

Imagine that your Tanghulu journey starts with carefully selecting the plump and juicy fruits. From the dazzling array of seasonal fresh fruits, choose the one you like. Is it the classic hawthorn, which is moderately sweet and sour, or the sweet and juicy strawberry, or the crystal clear grape? Everything is under your control, let your taste buds warm up a little first.

Next, it is an artistic creation about fruits and wooden sticks. The washed and dried fruits are carefully put on the wooden sticks one by one, just like weaving a colorful dream. You can give full play to your imagination and create a unique Tanghulu string that is both visually and tastefully enjoyable. Remember to pay attention to the balance and matching of fruits, so that your work can be more perfect.

The key to making candied haws is, of course, the golden and crispy sugar coating. Mix sugar and water in a golden ratio, and then heat it just right until the sticky syrup exudes an attractive luster. This process is like performing a mysterious magic ritual, making your mood boil along with the rolling syrup.

Now, it's time to witness the miracle! Gently dip the skewered fruits into the boiling syrup, and then quickly and evenly rotate the sticks so that each fruit is coated with the crystal clear sugar coating. As you become more and more skilled, you will find that making candied haws is also an art that requires patience and skill.

Finally, let your candied haws slowly cool and solidify in the cool air. The thin layer of sugar coating will gradually become hard and crisp, locking the deliciousness of the fruit tightly. If you want your candied haws to be more unique, you can also sprinkle some sesame seeds or dried petals on it as embellishment.

The game "Tanghulu DIY Simulation" is not just a simple simulation game, it is also a stage for you to show your creativity and personality. Here you can try various fruit combinations, syrup flavors and decorative elements to make your Tanghulu works a unique work of art.And as you continue to progress in the game, you can also unlock more ingredients and tools to further improve your cooking skills. At the same time, the game also sets up various challenges and order tasks for you to complete, so that you can feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction while enjoying the fun of making Tanghulu.

So friends, don't hesitate and come and join this feast of "Tanghulu DIY Simulation"!





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