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Create your own game world in Fortnite and train with players from all over the world in training camps!

About Fortnite

Fortnite is an action-packed and fast-paced game in which you have to survive till the end. There are millions of players striving and giving their best to win the battles. It isn't like other games where you have to make strategies to survive but this doesn't mean that the strategy doesn't apply at all.


In the Fortnite game, you will be first air-dropped with an ax on an island. The island is full of thrilling but lethal things like hidden fighters, animals, and many such things. Therefore, you need to get as many as weapons you could collect to protect yourself and counter the attackers. So, face the dangerous electrical storm and head towards getting the weapons and entering the island. After moving inside the island the hidden players will start attacking you, defend yourself and move. Keep on attacking the attackers and get close to the remaining ones and in the end, if you survive, get the chance to Kell the most lethal one. Not only this but you can also get updates of the situation in between the game to know who and how many players have been killed and how many are remaining 

Features Of Fortnite 

Whatever you read above was not everything that you'll get to see in this game as there are a lot of things to mention like its features which are as follows: 

Can link with social networking account to access the game 

Three exciting modes are available: Survival, Royale battle, Sandbox

Multiplayer mode available 

Free to play

Amazing and realistic graphics and game themes

Strategy and power-based game 

Can purchase different costumes like dinosaurs or Christmas 

New offers and new ways to play 

Online chatting with friends 

Want to play the game smoothly? Then you must know that the game is better and before you start to play that you have already done the above. Now, it's time that you should look at how to play this game and get a smooth start.

Stage 1: Airdrop on the island 

First, you have to face the electrical storm at the given time. Don't take the storm lightly as it is very killer. After that, you have survived the storm then move slowly onto the island but be fast to collect the weapons wherever you see them because it will be very tough for you to win the battle with an ax only. 

Stage 2: Make your team and kill other players 

Start counter-attacking the other player and keep on eliminating them. As it is a battle game therefore you can pair up with your friends and kill the other players together. Thus, make your duo or trio with your friends or other players from around the world whom you know and make the game more fun. 

Stage 3: Get An Update 

On the island, it will be difficult for you to know how many players have been killed yet and make a strategy accordingly. Therefore, get an update of the game to know how many players are still to be killed yet and continue the journey.

Stage 4: Finish the level 

This is the last stage but not the last level as you have to kill the last player of the game and declare yourself as the winner of this level. After finishing it you can either choose to play another mode or level.

What About Reward? 

Yes, like other games there are also rewards that you can claim and win or upgrade your weapons. How can you claim those rewards? So, there are many ways through which you can do so. One such way is killing a particular number of players or opponents to get the rewards.


Fortnite offers you the three best opportunities to fill your boredom with excitement with its three exciting modes. Fortnite Battle Royale is one of those three modes and now you know everything about it. 

Try this game today by either creating a new account or by just connecting your Facebook or social networking site with it and becoming the most lethal surviving combat of this game. Don't worry, it's all free for you and your dear friends as well, all you need to do is just get it into your device! 





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